Annual Meeting 2017 of the SMS

The Annual Meeting 2017 of the SMS takes place May 5 at the University of Basel: Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, 4051 Basel, Hörsaal 101. The General Assembly of the society is part of the meeting.

  • Program of the meeting and the General Assembly: PDF Document
  • Public Lecture: 17:15-18:15 in Hörsaal 101
    Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
    Rational and non-rational varieties
    Abstract: Pythagorean triples are given by rational parametrization of the unit circle. Similarly, all conics in the plane admits a similar parametrization. This is no longer the case for the curves of higher degrees. For example, non-singular plane cubic curves (elliptic curves) cannot be rationally parametrized. In dimension one and two, the problem of existence of such parametrization is completely solved. In higher dimensions, the picture is less clear. In this talk, I will survey know results and open problems in this direction.
  • How to find us: Map